Thank you for using Canon products. Canon U.S.A., Inc. has recently been informed (by SCADAfence Ltd.) of a vulnerability related to IP stack protocol (Common Vulnerabilities Exposures ID: CVE-2020-16849), which is used by the Canon Laser Printers and Small Office Multifunctional Printers listed below. Due to this vulnerability, if the printer is connected to a PC, and an unsecured network is in use, a potential exists for unauthorized access to an “Address book” (or fragments of an Address book), and/or an “administrator password” that has been taken through an unsecured network. We are not aware of any cases of this vulnerability being exploited to cause harm, but to help ensure that our customers can continue to use our products in a secure manner, we are providing you firmware for the following products to address the vulnerability. Affected Products imageCLASS MF Series imageCLASS MF113w imageCLASS MF229dw imageCLASS MF226dn imageCLASS MF216n imageCLASS MF244dw imageCLASS MF249dw imageCLASS MF264dw imageCLASS MF269dw imageCLASS MF4890dw imageCLASS MF4870dn imageCLASS MF4770n imageCLASS LBP Series imageCLASS LBP151dw imageCLASS LBP162dw Support Please click your product from the list above or proceed to https://www.cla.canon.com/cla/en/support to download the firmware. Furthermore we recommend that you set up a private IP address for products and create a network environment with a firewall or Wi-Fi router that can restrict network access. Contact Information Should you have any questions about the announcement, please contact the Authorized Service Facility in your area or you may contact the Call Center within your region. |