

Don't be fooled by how easy it is to use Canon Easy-PhotoPrint. This mighty little app is packed with options:

Step 1.
Tap the Canon iEPP icon.

Step 2.
Select “Photo Albums” from the menu.

Step 3.
Tap on the album where your photos are stored.

Step 4.
Tap on the photo you want to print.

Step 5.
Tap on “Select” button to confirm your Selection.

Step 6.
Tap to continue.

Step 7.
Confirm “Settings” and tap the “Print” button.

Step 8.
A printing progress page will appear. Your image will print wirelessly on your compatible Canon PIXMA Wireless Photo or Office Printer.
Step 1.
Select a PDF file and choose to open the document in the iEPP app. The application automatically opens iEPP.
Step 2.
Preview the PDF file. Tap “Print” to confirm.
Step 3.
Confirm settings and tap print. A printing progress page will appear.
Your PDF file prints wirelessly on your compatible
Canon Wireless PIXMA Printer.

Step 1.
Tap on the Canon iEPP app.

Step 2.
Tap the camera icon.
Step 3.
Snap your photo.
Step 4.
Preview the image, tap “Use” to move to the next step.
Step 5.
Confirm settings and tap “Print”.

It's easy to customize your prints with Canon Easy-Photo Print.
Choose the paper size, media type and border style to get the desired results.
Step 1.
Tap on the item you want to adjust.
Step 2.
From the list, tap on the desired adjustment.
Step 3.
Tap “Print".
Step 4.
A printing progress page will appear.
Your image prints wirelessly
on your compatible
Canon PIXMA Wireless
Photo or Office Printer.
Step 1.
Select “Scan Settings” from the menu.
Step 2.
Confirm settings and tap “Scan”. A scanning progress page will appear.
Step 3.
View scanned result..
Step 4.
Save the output in JPEG or PDF as necessary.
Step 1.
Tap “Scanned Items”.
Step 2.
Tap on the item to print on the list.
Step 3.
Tap “Print”.
Step 4.
A printing progress page will appear. Your image will print wirelessly
on your compatible Canon PIXMA Wireless Photo
or Office All-In-OnePrinter.

Use Canon Easy-Photo Print to print your favorite websites.
Just save them as an image capture and print them as follows:
Step 1.
Press simultaneously
the HOME and POWER buttons..
Step 2.
The screen will flash and the screengrab
will be saved on your photo album. Print the image using the iEPP app.

Step 1.
Tap on the iEPP icon.

Step 2.
On the menu, tap on “Photo Albums”.

Step 3.
Tap on the album that has images stored.

Step 4.
Tap on the images you want to print

Step 5.
Tap the “Select” button to confirm your selection.

Step 6.
Once you have all your selections, tap
to on the upper right corner continue.
Step 7.
Select the printer you want to use.
Step 8.
Choose the paper size, media type and border style to get the desired results.
Step 9.
Review the selected images.
If you want to remove an
image from the printing
selection, jut tap on it and
then on the “Deselect” button.
Step 10.
Tap “Print” to print.
Step 11.
Now enjoy the convenience of getting great quality wireless photo prints with Canon iEPP.