Thank you for using Canon products. Canon has recently become aware of a potential vulnerability in RSA key generation. Affected Products Since Canon Office and Small Office MFPs, LBPs, and Inkjet Printers have the cryptographic communication functionality that uses this RSA key, Canon is investigating the impact of this potential vulnerability to our products. Support As of the date of this Notice, we are not aware of any customer issues identified in our products as a result of this potential vulnerability. If as a result of our investigation we determine that specific Canon products may be impacted, we will issue updated notices that will provide the specific product names and preventive measures to be taken. We do not recommend that a product be connected directly to the internet. When connecting products to the internet, we recommend using a private IP address in an environment where the internet can only be accessed from a secure private network built with firewall products, wired routers, or Wi-Fi routers. For more information, please review the following link “Securing products when connecting to a network” which can be accessed at: https://www.cla.canon.com/en_US/app/pdf/message-to-our-customers/Connecting-To-Network-Securely.pdf Contact Information Should you have any questions about the announcement, please contact the Authorized Service Facility in your area or you may contact the Call Center within your region. |